Sunday, May 3, 2009

A Lil' Update

Almost two years ago I spent a semester of college studying abroad in the South of France. For purely academic reasons (seriously) I decided after a lot of consideration to studying the tiny town of Cannes, most known for its glamorous film festival that draws some of the biggest stars from around the world for a couple of weeks to this otherwise insignificant city on the French Riviera. After studying at the College International de Cannes and interning at the festival, I strapped on a backpack and traveled the fabulously diverse Europe with two friends I'd made while abroad. You can read all about it here:

Fast forward two years later and here I am, back in California and getting ready to venture back to one of my favorite parts of the world. I decided to make a blog that was more of a "catch-all" for my travel adventures - which tend to be numerous - than my old blog was. In addition to the travels abroad I take, I'll also blog about the small trips I may take around California or the rest of the good old ol' US of A.

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