Thursday, August 6, 2009

'Mad' King Ludwig's Castle

Yesterday Emily and I made the trek out to Neuschwanstein Castle, the home of ´Mad´ King Ludwig of Bavaria. It takes a full day to go out there so we got a pretty early start. The ticket lines are notorious for this famous castle, since it was the one that Walt Disney used as a model to design the iconic Disney castle. After stadnign in line for about and hour, we got our tour time for 4:40pm. With three hours until we got to go in, we decided to picnic lunch it and then walk around the town that sits just below the Castle. We ended up going to the Lake, Alpensee and taking a really beautiful hike around it. It always amazes me how beautiful and blue the lakes are in this area of the world, and this lake was no exception.

The tour of the Castle was good, if short, and the rooms were unique. I was hoping we would learn a little more about king ludwig since he has a reputation for being crazy, but it was cool to see the rooms we did. All in all, I was glad to have gone, but dont think I will have to go back again an time soon.

Once we were done with the tour, we realiyed that if we hurried down the hill, we might be able to make it onto the bus that could get us to the station in time. Since going to Füssen take two trains and a bus minimum, if we could catch this one, it would get us hoem at a much more reasonable time.

We hustled down the hill and checked the schedule for the bus. It was supposed to arrive any minute! Yes! So we waited. And waited. I started to worry that even if the bus came, we wouldn't be able to make it. Finally, the bus pulled up and everyone loaded up....great, maybe we actually can make it! we'll leave in a second, right? Oh, we're waiting for people who are running up?! Ahh, come on if we don't go now, who knows if any of us will make it? Finally, the bus takes off and as we arrive at the station, everyone sprints for the train...and we MADE IT! Yes! Despite having to sit on the floor of the train for most of the trip, it was worth it, and we got in around 8:45pm.

After that, Amaranth, a friend of mine since we went to Orangevale together, met up with us and took us to a traditional Bavarian restaurant. I tried the Knüdle, which are bread dumplings and SOO delicious. Very good choice!

Overall, it was a good, busy day in Bavaria.


  1. oh em gee! i can't believe you were so lame-d out! the tour is pretty pathetic, i will give you that. when me and my parents were there we bought this touristy pamphlet called "king ludwig II, his life- his end" which kicked the whole thing up another level. theres so much like political intrigue that they dont even talk about. our tour guide was like- he might have commited suicide he might not, he might have been crazy he might not. mostly she spent a while yelling at this emo kid not to take pictures. but according to our novella there was all sorts of dramz with his "psychologist" who was hired to declare him insane so he could be dethroned, and everyone was pissed cause he was so liberal.
    yay for lucern and chocolate (i hope)! are you getting tired yet?
