Friday, July 10, 2009

In Prague!

Alright, so our hotel has free internet, but only one computer which means that there is almost always someone taking it up. I guess technically this is day three in Prague, which is kind of hard to believe...I feel like we've been here longer.

After a long long LONG trip over here, I finally made it at around 2:30pm. I was probably the most tired I have ever been on a trip, mainly because it took three flights to get there. I went from SFO to JFK to London to Prague - Phew! my flight out of JFK sat on the tarmac for 3 hours! It didn't help that I was sitting next to the world's strangest woman ever. She had two HUGE bags with her, one of which was fillled with all sorts fo bag of chips and food. I think she might have been from Jamaica or somewhere similar because it sounded like she was speaking another language, but every once in a while there was English there too. Who knows...

Yesterday we took a walking tour of the city where we saw all the major sights and took a boat ride on the river. Our tour guide was bizarre. He refused to tell us his name, or any other details that might have given us an indication of his actual life. WEIRD! The river boat cruise guide on the othe hand was named Steve, and generally knowledgeable and funny. Good times.

So there's a quick update for you. Off to the Castle and the ghost walking tour today. Until next time!


  1. You didn't ask the lady for a chip - sounds like she had plenty to go around! 3 hours sitting on plane...ugh!
    I hear Prague is fabu - can't wait to hear details!

  2. oh darn, i commented and it crashed. im SO GLAD i happed to check facebook and found my way to this bitchin blog- which i will be checking EVERY DAY! i got your letter last week, which made me endlessly happy and endlessly sad- i think you get my drift. i take by the fact that you are in prague to mean you've already left. when are you getting home? ill throw you a party. KT. i am so thrilled that you are having grand adventures for the both of us. I love you so much, and you are my she-ro, as momma o would say.
    p.s. ghost walking tour and skulls? you are so legit i feel embarrassed.
